Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

- cloudy, breezy, warm morning; temp73
- grocery run to Dollar General
- appliance repair info run in Donna
- warming up - 83 at 12:30 PM
- took back 2 dessert containers to people who we'd helped
- and received a container of chocolate chip cookies from Bob
- drove to Mexico where both Dan & Diane had dentist appointments
- while I waited, I had 2 first time experiences
- I had my first Mexican haircut
- And I had my first ever in my life manicure
- Took a few pictures - see below

Sunday, February 27, 2011

- gusty, cloudy, warm morning; temp 74; to be 95 today
- church service in the hall
- service call to Zimmerman's
- very hot afternoon; 90 at 12:45 PM
- with the pool temp at 90, and the air at 91, it was time to spend some time in the pool
- Diane made chicken dinner for supper and Dan & Candy joined us. . . delicious
- movie this evening is: "Life As We Know It" which I'm told is an excellent movie - it was - see it
- good night

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

- cloudy, light breeze, pleasant morning; temp 70
- warm day, 87 at 1:30 PM
- 2 computer service calls in the morning - both successful
- made grocery run to H-E-B
- in the evening, we went to Pharr South for supper of Reuben sandwiches & bingo
- beautiful, cool, calm evening, temp 73
- Candy's mom, Irene, won 2 jackpots; way-to-go, Irene
- finally, several of you passed our blog test yesterday; so today we have another test question
- around the pool, we heard the term, "F-W-B" and wonder what that means? Any suggestions?
- (Sorry no pictures tonight)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

- up at 6 (King Ranch trip), another warm, calm, clear morning, temp 71
- left at promptly at 6:45 AM for Kingsville, TX
- arrived promptly at 9, tour started at 10
- very informative 2 hour tour of the famous Texas King Ranch (see pictures)
- did you see the baby alligators in among the reeds?
- how 'bout the new colt?
- went into town to visit King Saddle Shop & the King Museum, both very interesting & informative
- uneventful trip home by 5:30
- wonderful day, warm but not too hot
- Jim's to cards this evening; I went on the 4 mile bike ride
- and if anyone knows what a "tramp stamp" is, let me know (thanks)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

- cloudy, breezy, warm morning, temp 72
- men's breakfast at Taco Fiesta
- Jim & I accompanied Dan to Sears to get his oil changed
- while Diane & Candy went swimming
- one of my clients stopped by dropping off a delicious cream pie for computer services rendered (see picture)
- All went to bowling for the afternoon - although Diane & I only schmoozed
- After-bowling supper at Taco Fiesta
- very warm afternoon, temp 96
- grocery run to H-E-B
- J&D bike ride
- still very warm, 83 at 7 PM
- Jim to karaoke
- tomorrow King Ranch at Kingsville - should get some pictures there

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

- calm, light high clouds, warm: temp 70
- Dan, Jim & I made a Sears & Post Office run
- hot dog lunch at hall before "Jam"
- nice nap
- warm afternoon, temp 85
- a Blue Earth farmer friend of Jim & Dan, named Dwain, drove down from Corpus on his Harley. So we went out for dinner in Edinburgh - see picture below
- Not cooling off as fast tonight; still 79 at 6:30
- Went to the Jim King show in the hall. Here's a link to better pictures than I could take. Note that the pictures with the crescent moon in the background were taken at our own Paradise park -

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

- calm, cloudy, warm morning; temp 72
- went for early 4 mile bike ride
- craft sale at our hall all morning
- went with J&D and D&C to Mexico for several items
a) dentist appointments for Candy & Diane
b) special pastry for Candy's mother
c) haircut for Jim
d) lunch at Red Snapper was delicious
e) prescriptions for Candy & Diane
- wore my Wayzata Marching Machine shirt and got lots of comments about it
- rained (more than just mist) on the way home from Mexico
- took lots of pictures - see below
- J&D went to bingo in the evening while I watched episondes of NCIS & NCIS LA - d'ya see 'em Dan?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

- sunny, breezy, warm, temp 68 - forecast high 91
- Diane went to swimming calisthenics this morning
- grocery run to Walmart
- temp at 3 PM is 94
- it is really, really hot
- Diane spent the afternoon in the pool
- but at 4 PM, it's like someone turned the thermostat down - and the temp begins to fall rapidly - tonight by 6, it's dropped 17 degrees
- Jim's playin' cards this evening
- (sorry, no pix again)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

- (they didn't take any pictures last evening - what can I do?)
- nice morning 70
- rested all day trying to get rid of cold - didn't get out of the trailer the whole day
- D&J to church
- very hot afternoon - 85 & windy
- D&J swimming
- think my cold "broke" this afternoon - after sweating a lot, I quit coughing so much - hopefully it's gone
- movie this evening is "Red" and since I've seen it, I'll prolly stay home and continue my recovery
- J&D went on a 4 mile bike ride (too much violence in Red)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

- cloudy, calm, warm morning: temp 70 - suppose to be 83 & clear later in the day
- regular Saturday breakfast at hall
- finished updates & repair of Bob & Elaine's computer
- delicious Minnesota pot luck luncheon in hall
- Diane went swimming while Jim & I napped
- Diane made a wonderful hotdish similar to what Theresa used to make for lunch & dinner
- while Diane did dishes, Jim & I went on a 4 mile bike ride all around the park
- Jim & Diane went to the 50s/60s Dance this evening while I stayed home nursing a terrible cold (doubt that they'll take any pictures)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

- another warm (68) morning with high fog (see picture)
- morning & afternoon spent preparing for evening TV shows of which Candy was chair and Dan, Candy, Jim, & Diane were contestants
- hot afternoon - mid 80s
- my job is to pop (free) popcorn for the 200+ guests; hopefully have time for some pictures
- as a popcorn popper, Jim, Dan & I were provided a uniform of a black t-shirt
- and Diane was a ticket taker in the same uniform
- the TV Game Show had 3 parts (3 games) and lasted for 2 1/2 hours
- didn't get home from cleanup till after 10:30
- Jim & Diane didn't get drawn as a contestant for the show - although they had been contestants during the afternoon rehearsal