Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

- temp 29 this morning; high to be in 40s; and Minneapolis high to be 35 - yeah
- per Jim, lost power overnight several times, but it's fine this morning
- half of park as no power, so lots of people up at the hall
- shopping trip with Dan & Candy to: Walmart, Wendy's, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Swim Store
- afternoon is warming up; with luck it'll hit 50 - currently 49
- installed new F4500 HP printer
- resting & watching Dr Phil
- see pictures below of ice views
- no jackets this afternoon; it's even pleasant out there
- quiet afternoon; spent lots of time getting new printer to work wirelessly
- wonderful tater-tot hotdish made by Diane which we shared with Dan as Candy was out
- had all kinds of trouble getting the
- one more cool night in the upper 20s then should warm up to 60 tomorrow
- good night

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