Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

- no frost last night; temp 46 this morning; high to be 76; yeah
- after church service, we picked up the 3rd bike and biked over to the golf course & watched at the driving range - beautiful, sunny day
- Diane & I went to the Style Show rehearsal. Diane to learn the runway and I'm going to be the photographer (see pix below)
- Temp at 2 PM is 77. Yippee
- Late afternoon, we all went out for supper at Long John Silvers
- Then back to the pool for some swimming; temp 80
- Lasly, the Super Bowl
- Jim & Diane went for another bike ride while I watched the game
- And after the game, we helped set up the chairs & tables in the hall for the Style Show

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